The Lord’s Elect

This has probably been one of my most enjoyable weeks of my mission. I
have a new companion Elder Hunt and I love him. He works hard, smart
about the work, and has fun while doing it. I feel more like a real
missionary now.
This week we dropped about 6 people we were teaching and debating on
another one. For the past year the missionaries here have been doing
more home teaching than actually missionary work. As in there are a
whole bunch of people that were being met with that had been met with
for 1-2 years and just weren’t progressing. So, with Elder Hunt on the
same page we talked to the Bishops about it and as we’re promised in
Preach My Gospel, as we dropped people we found more people to teach-
who are already prepared. Our focus is D&C 29:7.
Along with that we have really connected with he youth this past week.
We are going to a mission prep class (an amazing one at that) and
talking with the youth, and we are taking young men out with us, and
we are currently trying to find people to do “mini-missions” with us,
where we take a young man with us for 24 hours. He sleeps at our
apartment, studies with us, plans with us and teaches with us. So that
should be fun.
There is this one kid named Nathan Taylor. He is the most fantastic
missionary ever. He just received his call to the Morristown, NJ
mission and leaves in July. We took him out with us one night and he
bore his testimony fervently, taught simply, and there was one guy
that wasn’t really interested in having lessons with us, but was okay
having a prayer with us, so I asked Nathan to say it and he taught
some principles within in prayer to this guy. Then at 8:45 we couldn’t
think of anyone else to visit, so we pulled over and said a prayer and
Nathan felt like we should go visit a specific kid, so we did and it
went really well, and Nate just expressed his love for him and the kid
said he’d come to church. It was just cool to see him at work. He’s a
better missionary now then I’ll probably end as.
We also dug a big trench, like 1 foot deep, 2 feet wide and about 40
feet long. It was for the Therkelsen’s garage they’re building. There
was a whole bunch of metal trash, big rocks, and huge chunks of
reinforced concrete. We were swinging ledge hammers, chuckin’ dog
sized rocks, and destroying our backs. It was a lot of fun though!
Well there we go!
I love you all!
Elder Dolan

Oh, and I think this week is my year mark, either this or next.

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